Ultimate biofortification and reshaping of soil microbiota for more sustainable agrifood production, environment protection and human health TERRA_MADRE
The project TERRA_MADRE aims to ensure the sustainability of food production in the Republic of Serbia via preservation and improvement of soil quality: reflected in the increase of yield and crop performance, as well as the elimination of excessive pesticide use, thus achieving a goal of more sustainable economic, environmental, and societal growth.
Specific objectives of the TERRA_MADRE project are:
Determination of soil health status of the selected nutrient-depleted and overloaded soils in Serbia via metabarcoding analysis of the microbiome and physical-chemical characterization of soil including thrash metals, minerals, and pesticides;
Isolation and identification of bacteria and fungi from both soil types and formation of beneficial microbes bank on the basis of evaluated plant growth promoting properties, enzymatic activity, biocontrol potential and biofortified abilities;
Selection of the best weed plant candidates for composting, based on the literature data regarding richness in mineral nutrients and biomass, and chemical analysis of their mineral nutrients;
Development of an innovative smart compost system based on beneficial microorganisms, weed plants, and other mineralized substrata;
Testing the potential of soil improvers (compost material and microorganisms), as probiotic-biofertilizer, in a protected environment, i.e. maize seedlings in controlled greenhouse conditions.
Testing the potential of soil improvers (compost material and microorganisms), as probiotic-biofertilizer, applied in open fields, in maize cropping systems, on soil health and crop performance.
Project Structure

The TERRA_MADRE project is divided into 7 work packages:
• In WP1 health status of two soil types from different geographical regions of Serbia will be evaluated via metabarcoding analysis of total microbiota and physical-chemical characterization of soil (thrash metals, minerals, and pesticides).
• In WP2 bacteria and fungi from both soil types will be isolated, identified, and evaluated for plant growth-promoting, biocontrol, and biofortified abilities. In addition, the best weed plant candidates for composting based on the literature data regarding richness in mineral nutrients content and biomass will be selected and chemical analysis of their mineral content performed.
• In WP3 innovative smart compost system based on the selected plant material and other mineralized substrata, and beneficial microorganisms will be developed.
• In WP4 the soil improvers as green manure plant probiotics will be tested on maize seedlings in a protected environment.
• In WP5 effect of soil improvers on the soil health, applied in open fields in maize cropping systems will be tested. Microbiota diversity and physical-chemical characteristics, as well as crop performance will be analyzed.
• In WP6 dissemination of the results to relevant scientific communities and the general public, farmers, and agricultural representatives will be performed.
• In WP7 management, coordination and communication with the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia and writing necessary periodical reports regarding the project will be done.
Our Team
The TERRA_MADRE project was designed on the basis of nearly two decades of experience of the team from Faculty of Biology – University of Belgrade in the field of applied and environmental microbiology, botany, and biotechnological potential in biological control and plant protection. Diverse experience of the 10 people-team acting as one, in microbiology, mycology, molecular biology, botany, phytochemistry, biotechnology, and data analysis assure easy implementation of the TERRA_MADRE research ideas.
Key team members:

Principal Investigator
dr Ivica Dimkić,
Principal Research Fellow; Coordinator of WP1, WP5, and WP7

TM 1
dr Tamara Janakiev,
Research Associate; Coordinator of WP4

TM 2
dr Milica Ljaljević Grbić,
Full professor; Coordinator of WP2

TM 3
dr Nikola Unković,
Senior Research Associate and Assistant Professor; Coordinator of WP6

TM 5
dr Peđa Janaćković,
Full professor; Coordinator of WP5
Team specialists:

TM 4
dr Aleksandar Knežević,
Senior Research Associate

TM 6
dr Milan Gavrilović,
Assistant Professor

TM 7
MSc Maja Radulović,
Research Assistant
Young participants:

MSc Katarina Kruščić,

MSc Ivana Đokić,
MSc Ivana Đokić is a PhD student in the field of Mycology with previous experience in researching the biodeterioration and biodegradation of cultural heritage objects, will be in charge of preserving and identifying fungal cultures isolated from the soil.

Nenad Antić,