Our Team
The TERRA_MADRE project was designed on the basis of nearly two decades of experience of the team from Faculty of Biology – University of Belgrade in the field of applied and environmental microbiology, botany, and biotechnological potential in biological control and plant protection. Diverse experience of the 10 people-team acting as one, in microbiology, mycology, molecular biology, botany, phytochemistry, biotechnology, and data analysis assure easy implementation of the TERRA_MADRE research ideas.
Key team members:

Principal Investigator
dr Ivica Dimkić,
Principal Research Fellow; Coordinator of WP1, WP5, and WP7

TM 1
dr Tamara Janakiev,
Research Associate; Coordinator of WP4

TM 2
dr Milica Ljaljević Grbić,
Full professor; Coordinator of WP2

TM 3
dr Nikola Unković,
Senior Research Associate and Assistant Professor; Coordinator of WP6
Dr. Nikola Unković will assure the realization of the experiments related to mycology, and initiation of the work on the design of formulations applicable in soil health management. He is a senior research associate and assistant professor with great experience in applied mycology with special emphasis on study of fungal diversity and ecology, plant-pathogen interactions, and biocontrol properties of beneficial bacteria against phytopathogenic fungi. As the principal investigator of the project from the PROMIS program of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, he has a lot of experience in disseminating project results, educational activities and promotion of implementation of project results into practices via various media. Dr. Nikola Unković has participated in numerous international, bilateral and national projects, and was a principal investigator of two projects related to protection of various cultural heritage objects in Serbia from fungal-induced deterioration.

TM 5
dr Peđa Janaćković,
Full professor; Coordinator of WP5
Team specialists:

TM 4
dr Aleksandar Knežević,
Senior Research Associate

TM 6
dr Milan Gavrilović,
Assistant Professor
Dr. Milan Gavrilović will assure the realization of of the weed plants selection, collection and identification, making the voucher specimens (BEOU), as well as the experiments related to phytochemistry/chemistry (extraction and characterization of plant metabolites and macromolecules and mineral nutrients), and application (plant mixtures in composting processes with biofortified properties). He has great experience in plant systematics and phytochemistry (extraction and identification of plant metabolites).

TM 7
MSc Maja Radulović,
Research Assistant
Young participants:

MSc Katarina Kruščić,
MSc Katarina Kruščić will assure the realization of the experiments related to bacteriology, focusing on bacterial metabarcoding analysis and the isolation, identification, and evaluation of bacteria with plant growth-promoting and biocontrol abilities. As a Ph.D. student, her thesis is centered on the bacterial aspect of the project, encompassing both experimental and bioinformatics approaches. She has a growing expertise in microbial community analysis and bacterial cultivation, which she applies to enhance soil health management strategies within the project.

MSc Ivana Đokić,
MSc Ivana Đokić is a PhD student in the field of Mycology with previous experience in researching the biodeterioration and biodegradation of cultural heritage objects, will be in charge of preserving and identifying fungal cultures isolated from the soil.

Nenad Antić,